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Coastal Green Hairstreak 
Callophrys viridis

Flies in mid to late spring, generally after the related Bramble Green Hairstreak.  Known only from the coastal dunes between the Salinas river mouth and Fort Ord Dunes State Park, where it apparently hosts on wild buckwheat (coastal Eriogonum latifolium), although it may also use a coastal Lotus (Acmispon sp.)  Surveys are needed to clarify the range and numbers of this species in Monterey County.  


Occasional scattered reports from other coastal locations (e.g., Andrew Molera State Park) have been investigated and identified as the more common Bramble Green Hairstreak, which can also fly close to the coast, though in scrub adjacent to dunes habitat.

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Recent Results

no recent surveys

Recommended sites

Salinas River mouth - in the rolling, vegetated, dunes just south of the river; surveys continuing south would help determine the extent of this colony

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