Spring White
Pontia sisymbrii
This high elevation, early-spring mountain species apparently resides only along the Gabilan crest in east Monterey County. Much of this landscape is private property; at this time, the only known localities for this species are in Pinnacles National Park, where it is often seen, on good weather days in March-April, in the Chalone Peaks area. Pinnacles Ranger Paul Johnson has found its host plants on the east side in San Benito County.
Numerous searches for this species at other access points - Fremont Peak State Park, Gloria Road, and Highway 198 - have been unsuccessful.
Recent Results
June 4 2023: North Chalone Peak, no whites; normally not expected at this late date, but spring was late this year
May 16 2023: Parkfield crest and Hghway 198; no whites
April 28 2023: Parkfield crest; no whites
Recommended sites
- Priest Valley area: possible upslope along Lewis Creek, especially if private property can be accessed
- Pinnacles National Park - the west side of the ridge is in Monterey County