Arrowhead Blue Glaucopsyche piasus
There are two known sites for Arrowhead Blue in Monterey County: Chews Ridge (May 2016) and Cone Peak (May 2022).
Our objectives for this seemingly rare species will be to survey the two known sites and search similar high elevation ridges and peaks in the Ventana Wilderness for new colonies. The latter has become increasingly difficult, as recent fire and weather events have isolated remote areas from access, due to closed roads and trails.

Survey Results
no surveys in 2023 due to closed roads
Recommended sites
Chews Ridge: explore the ridgeline just west and north of the parking area next to the gated road to the MIRA observatory and firre lookout; the 2016 sighting of Arrowhead Blue was along this ridge
Cone Peak: walk the length of the trail from the coast ridge road to the peak, about 2 mi.